ASITAssociation for Computing, Informatics, Telecommunications and New Media of Serbia, actively organizes for more than 40 years scientific & expert events related to the Information and communications technologies (ICT).

Miloš-Miša Mirković, founder and President of ASIT, recognized back in the 1970s importance of innovative technologies. From the beginning of his career, his interests led him towards innovative technologies from that period, such as the implementation of microfilm for data storage purposes. Even then, he distinguished himself by visionary, recognizing the great importance of information technologies, and is considered to be one of the pioneers in introducing the concept of specialized IT conferences and exhibitions, as the main venues for presenting the latest scientific and professional achievements and their use in practice.

Miša Mirković is known to the scientific and professional public as one of the leading engineers who participated in the establishment of standards and development of computer technologies in Serbia, the countries of the former Yugoslavia and the region of Southeast Europe.

He shall be remembered as the creator of very successful and highly attended conferences and exhibitions, the most famous of which are: Technobank, Infotech, Smart e-Government.



These professional events are known for having a significant role in connecting the relevant professional and business public, and for contributing to better business understanding, complementing business development and competitiveness.

In addition, by virtue of the Conferences organized by ASIT, under the patronage of line ministries and relevant institutions, the necessary standards were established much faster in Serbia and in the region of Southeast Europe, procedural rules and laws were introduced and carried over along with the best business practices from the international markets.

Each of these events consists of a conference and exhibition section. The conference part allows participants and keynote lecturers to present their products, services, ideas and case studies to the audience in the form of lectures (presentations), while the exhibition part with stands is intended for personal and business interaction with visitors.

Our main focus is to create a favorable business climate in the form of synergy between the scientific-professional elite and business. We strive to motivate the further evolution of information technologies and their implementation in practice in Serbia and the region of Southeast Europe through the continuous development and improvement of organizational activities.

More information about all the events that we organize please find at